Thursday, May 29, 2008

...and now for something completely different

I'm about to say something you never hear in yarn blogs: All my darn housework is taking too much time away from my yarn! Everybody has to do the laundry some time, and my time has come. Plus my parents are visiting but my husband is away, so the cooking and dishes are all me, plus there's the small matter of this full-time job. Sigh.
However, at least someone is crafting in my house!

My mom is a member of the Red Hat Society, and she's hosting a party next month. All of these hats will soon belong to purple-garbed Barbies, which will be the favors. I think she did a nice job of making them all unique. The ones with the feathers are my favorites.
As for our regularly scheduled yarn, I did manage to do a couple more rows on the skew scarf the other day while I was waiting for some software to install. I know, I should have been working on the blue/green kit. I'll never finish anything if I don't concentrate. But this was upstairs, and that was downstairs, and I was lazy.

You may notice that it's not actually skewing at all. For the garter stitch parts, that's expected, but the stockinette is supposed to skew. Well, from what I've read, if you let your singles sit around, they become content with being as they are, almost as if they were balanced yarn, but as soon as they get wet, they'll revive. (This is usually given as a threat, not a promise. We'll see.)

I think I may have been crazy to think that 4 oz. was not enough for a scarf. Especially, this isn't a very long scarf. This is only my third knitting project, so I have no idea of how much yarn it takes to make what when you knit. Anyway, I like the way the natural color sets off the dyed yarn. Also, here's something smart I did somewhat by accident: I spun the colors in different orders and configurations throughout the yarn. I'd pull off a piece and then split it lengthwise but do some of them backwards by mistake, and then one night's piece would be a different part of the color pattern in the original roving than another night's piece. The result: no stacking or overly regular patterns of the colors throughout the scarf. Yes! Score one for lack of planning--I love how it's coming out so far.
Ooh, and I just discovered a super cool trick on Abby Franquemont (one of the year's SOAR mentors)'s blog about fixing slubs. I need all the help I can get on that. But get this: she explains how to fix slubs while you're plying! It's so hard to get a rhythm going when I'm spinning, I hate to interrupt it just to fix some dumb fuzzball I've made. I am definitely going to try this.

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