Friday, May 9, 2008


As some of you may have noticed yesterday, there's a new link on the blog: Fire Lizard's Yarn Books. It's basically a collection of all the best yarn books I've read or wanted (with a few classics thrown in like Alden Amos.) As I was setting it up, aside from wishing for loads of cash so I could buy it all, I was struck by how many authors I have a connection with. Some, like the Yarn Harlot and Franklin Habit, I've only read their blogs, although they've become a daily part of my life in that way. But a few I've actually met or exchanged electronic comments with. I met Robyn Chachula at a very interesting seminar that she gave on becoming a yarn industry insider, so I'm happy to include her forthcoming book Blueprint Crochet: Modern Designs for the Visual Crocheter. Of course, I loved The Twisted Sisters Sock Workbook even before I met Lynne Vogel and attended her class on spinning with color. And I've exchanged comments with Kathleen Taylor since I won Yarns to Dye For from her blog contest. As I was picking books, it was exciting to offer some that I have a connection to. I guess Ialways thought authors were these mysterious deity-type beings or something, but now I sort of know a bunch of them.
Anyway, I worked some more on the bamboo swatch last night, and I'm really liking every stitch I try. In fact, the swatch is starting to look like the beginnings of a very cute sleeve.

I want the actual sleeves to be a bit longer than this and floopier, but it's a start. Also, I found my little bitty (normal to everyone else) crochet hooks. I can't wait to see what they produce with this yarn.


~ Phyllis ~ said...

Hi Cara,
I'm so glad that you stopped by Little Barn today. It was so nice meeting you. It's nice to be able to put a face to the name. Join us again when you have more time and bring your spinning and knitting. We are usually there for 2-3 hours.

Cara said...

It was good meeting you, too! I will definitely join you for spinning one day soon, maybe this coming weekend. I think it's really great to have a real, in-person spinning community so close by!