Whenever I go out of town, I always offer free shipping in my Etsy shop to make up for the delay while I'm gone. This time is no exception, so if there's some yarn you've been eyeing, now is a great time to get it and take advantage of the free shipping ($5 to Canada). Everything goes back to normal on Tuesday when I get back.
After sitting around Washington National airport for hours with nothing to do last time, of course I'm overpacking on the yarn this time, even though...um, it's not like I can knit and drive, even if there is a delay.
I've got the red and purple cape, which is so newly started you haven't even seen any pictures yet, and I've got the computer cozy in progress. In case I run out of yarn, I went ahead and wound the yarn from the other matching roving into balls. It's the barber pole one that inspired me to try Navajo plying, except I think I like it better than the Navajo yarn. I'm actually hoping to run out of the Navajo so I can put this yarn in, too. Of course, that's silly--I can just put this yarn in without running out of the other if I want.
I also packed the Mohair Thick N Thin from Cherry Tree Hill. Did that stuff ever make a huge ball! (and another little ball--it was actually two pieces.) I'm really glad to have the jumbo ball winder--I don't think you could have wound this yarn on a regular one without cutting it or putting it under so much tension it would have been no fun to knit after a day or two. (I totally love that ball winder, by the way--it is 100% awesome. Cool design, super smooth, and quiet as a mouse.)
So, in addition to two works in progress, I had to bring this yarn.
For scale, I've posed my full-grown sheep in front of it.
Now that's a lot of yarn!
Since I'm visiting people, I will probably get to little or none of it, but I'll have it if I need it. Besides, I think it's good for yarn to get out of Alabama and see other places--it helps it put its little problems in perspective and stop freaking out so much. Or wait, that's me. Well, I'm sure it helps the yarn, too.
I'm a wee bit jealous of your fiber adventure. It sounds like it will be a wonderful time. The Keyboard Biologist plans to attend the event. Have fun and be safe!
Have a good trip. Buy lots of yarn.
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